Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2016

Foods against depression and stress

there are some foods that help get rid of depression and stress due to contain chemicals that improve mood and strengthen the nerves and soothe the soul and the feeling of psychological comfort.
Among those important foods are:
Cashew nuts and other cereals such as walnuts, almonds and Alvesdq - where those grains contain zinc and protein that helps the feeling of psychological comfort.
Turkey meat contains special material not only found in abundance in turkey meat her name (tryptophan).
Fatty fish contains more omega-3 fatty acid effective and its impact in the fight against depression and stress - and that salmon and tuna fish, it also has a strong effect in the fight against infections.
Whole grains such as oatmeal, wheat, brown rice due to their inclusion on the high-fiber useful by the body
Green tea, turmeric and chocolate to them of the great benefits of their inclusion in the antioxidants and maintain cardiovascular health and blood.

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